White Supremacy, continued…

Bejtash Samson
12 min readMar 8, 2021


(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The 2019–2020 Democratic Party competition collapses in typical political theatrics. Contrived performances of platitudes and minstrelsy, revealing a poorly veiled attempt at maintaining the social, economic, and political status quo in the United States. The alleged ‘Left-wing’ party’s true colors were more exposed than ever. Then in 2021, the election went exactly as the white ruling class had planned. The first, tragic 100 days of the Biden/Harris administration have exposed its contradictions before the masses of “vote blue”-ers and the growing number of Americans who have long realized the futility of believing in and supporting the Democratic Party and their performative politics.

If the United States was built through the institution of slavery, of white culture, and the resulting genocides — as more people are increasingly coming to understand — then why would any of the people elected to the presidency not maintain that same system as their main objective? For the overly optimistic hold onto such beliefs of change and progress, with some even believing that we live in a post-racial society, a question remains for them to answer for the historical record and posterity; Exactly “which Presidential (or otherwise) administration, policy, election cycle, or votes bring an end to that old system by way of the established political process?” If indeed such a question was able to be answered by such believers, then it would be necessary for them to also explain the presence of the same social conditions, for the same groups of people, that existed under the previous system. Given that, so far, no such answers have been provided with overwhelming evidence, then a more critical and engaged approach is in order.

For several centuries, it has been part of our culture to see presidents as “outsized characters,” and it makes sense that we are “conditioned to these to feel a deep connection to these men hundreds of years after summer of them have died” (Kimberly 2019). This is true of most countries as much as the United States. However, it is also important to note that this is not a new cultural phenomenon. It is part of a long origin story of the social models which birthed the United States. As it turns out, it is quite difficult to fully understand U.S. politics without first having a proficient grasp of the royal courts of Europe. Today in the twenty-first century, Presidents and other politicians have effectively become celebrities in the public eye and by way of the media. In a country and culture where celebrities have great power and influence over the behavior and perspectives of the people, the presence of political figures with an increasingly celebrity-like following may alter the way politics are delivered and how politicians are perceived.

At each end of the political spectrum, and sustained lack of specific policies for addressing the needs of the oppressed bottom caste, Black Americans — those who specifically descended from U.S. chattel slavery — long-standing power dynamics and social conditions remain unchanged. Politics are then reduced down to one’s favorite character. Particularly when we realize that the U.S. carceral economy and Jim Crow policing are what it is because of Joe Biden. Regardless of the party that wins, white supremacy reigns supreme; this is exemplified in every American presidency since George Washington and not least in the administration of Joe Biden — the architect of US mass incarceration.

“Prisoners in the U.S. represent a disposable class of the poor, mainly the Black poor, whose existence has been relegated to the margins by the nation’s exceptionalist tales. The racist criminalization of Black Americans and the explosive growth of the prison population beginning in the 1980s in the U.S. share both political and economic origins. Economically, the U.S. system of capitalism that sustains the prison fell into a permanent state of overproduction and lost the ability to raise the standard of living for any section of the working class. Politically, Black American resistance was targeted by the state to make way for the imminent neoliberal disaster to come. And out of the ashes of repression, political prison guards such as California Senator Kamala Harris were born.” — (Haiphong 2019).

An increasing amount of Americans have properly criticized Kamala Harris since 2018; largely due to her anti-Black career in law enforcement. Like all slave patrollers, Harris has built life, wealth, and social capital from the trade in Black flesh.

Many of these criticisms are from African Americans — The Black American Freedmen that descend from US chattel slavery — who will continue to criticize her, and rightfully so, for the next four years. However, those descendants of American chattel slavery and others on the actual Left are not criticizing her because she is a “Black woman”; they criticize her because she is an Indian/Caribbean descendant of slave owners, raised Indian, who planned to run as a Black woman for her political career; A distinction that is important to make clear in a time when efforts to obfuscate Black American lineage causes public confusion around reparations, and the specific suffering and labor for which Black Americans are owed.

Harris shouldn’t be and will not be trusted because she helped to destroy African American lives as California’s Top Cop and implemented policy that continues to destroy those Black lives today; A candidate who had to drop out of the Presidential race early and is only Vice President now because Biden chose her, not because many people actually wanted her.

Danny Haiphong provides a history of Kamala Harris:

“The Howard alum has served as the political prison guard for the U.S. prison regime as District Attorney, Attorney General, and Senator of the California state gulag. Harris has championed herself as ‘for the people.’ What she hasn’t mentioned is that she is for only a certain class of ‘people’ in the U.S. political prison. That class of people includes the police unions, the courts, and the stakeholders of the mass incarceration state.

Under Kamala Harris, California saw an exponential increase in the number of drug convictions. Harris also punished Black families for truancy and appealed a federal judge’s decision to eradicate the death penalty. She has furiously protected the police from prosecution and refused to investigate police officer abuse, violence, and murder perpetrated mainly against poor Black Americans. Harris is a cop for the U.S. political prison, as are most members of the self-serving Black misleadership class. The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) voted in favor of the 1033 programthat arms police departments with military weaponry from the Department of Defense in 2014 and followed up this vote in 2018 by supporting a federal ‘Blue Lives Matter’ bill…Kamala Harris’ bid to become the commanding prison guard of the U.S. comes amid a crisis within the entire prison system” (2019).

Kamala Harris deserves no respect or adoration. She is, however, a perfect fit for the Democratic party given her substantial resume of contributions to the system of white supremacy. Her career as California’s anti-Black Top Cop further clarifies her political placement given how long the Democratic Party has been tied to the police and the economy of kidnapping and falsely enslaving/imprisoning Black people in the United States (Wells 2020). Support for Kamala and Biden is support for the slave economy that has funded white America and our institutions for centuries. As white people, we have to clearly understand that ousting Trump, without any truly principled choosing of his replacement, was not moral or revolutionary thinking. Nor was it for “survival.” It was a desperate scrambling of liberal Americans to be lulled back to sleep and cradled by a new smooth-talking liar. One who will continue doing Trump’s work but will comfort those liberals into a perceived non-complicity and mental relief from the responsibility to actually do something about the African American genocide happening around us.

In his 1872 political cartoon, Thomas Nast depicted the Liberal Republican mindset surrounding the organized opposition to President Grant and to Reconstruction. Inscribed above the polling station is the phrase: “Anything To Beat Grant”. Like today’s “vote blue no matter who”, this signified an aggressive push to maintain the white American status quo at the expense of American descendants of slavery.

Opposition to President Grant was fueled by the scandals that were exposed within his administration. During Grant’s time in office, members of Congress were buying shares in a “sham” company called Credit Mobilier, which was designed to provide financing to the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad project, and was also laundering money. But liberal Republicans were not merely disgraced by such acts of corruption. They were also very much tired of Radical Reconstruction. So they nominated their own candidate: Horace Greeley.

Image: Thomas Nast, “H. G. ‘Let Us Clasp Hands over the Bloody Chasm’”. Harper’s Weekly. October 19, 1872. nastandgreeley.harpweek.com.

Thomas Nast’s cartoon shows Greeley shaking hands with a confederate soldier, who is standing with one foot on the American flag, one on two dead Black men and a gun hidden behind his back. Greeley was willing to unite with confederates in order to get their vote. Around these men elections are happening and people are mobilized to vote for their candidate, while in the background the soldiers of the slaveocracy continue to kill those descendants of slavery.

In these liberal’s fight for “states rights”, they wanted less energy spent reconstructing the south. Greeley, who had long stood up for Black rights, began shifting towards the anti-Black claims of the Democrats. After he began receiving support from Southern delegates Greeley declared that all Americans should “clasp hands over the bloody chasm” and move passed the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Whether Greeley knew about the soldiers concealed gun or not it’s clear that power and position — and making sure that Reconstruction didn’t go any further — took priority over the social and political needs of newly freed descendants of slavery. An explanation of this cartoon states that “Greeley’s trimming of his principles for the sake of political office will result in disaster for, and perhaps the extermination of, Southern blacks”.

As we can see from the new anti-Black administration of Biden/Harris, today’s politics mirror this desperate strategy of voting, forming agreements and salvaging white American lives on top of the bodies of the descendants of US chattel slavery. Every President has chosen the needs of the white nation over real and much needed change — but this is what they are in power to do.

The “vote blue” panic enabled the willful avoidance of the social and political needs of American descendants of US chattel slavery. Voters who have decided to ignore the horrifying, anti-Black history and current manifestation of the Democratic Party — no matter how major or minor — have chosen to adopt a shameless, blind allegiance in the form of voting for any candidate regardless of their policies, agendas or lack there of; further confirming that the “vote blue” crew is really only marginally different than MAGA.

Just as quickly as Biden promised to have Black Americans backs, he has betrayed that promise ever more swiftly. From the already invalidated efficacy of the H.R.40 study for Reparations to the extreme and blatant violence inflicted on African Americans, barely anything of actual, substantial action has been put in place.

The anti-Black, pro-slavery ticket of Biden/Harris won the 2020 election; this is not a blow against white supremacy or the privatized and cannibal prison industrial complex it uses to keep Black males in generational chains. A win for the Democrats means that liberal Americans will sit back and relax, knowing that their liberal racism is protected for the next four years. Regardless of the winner, the outcome was equally as bad.

Liberal citizens who hated Biden before are now cheering him on. However, he is no better than Trump, but they’re pretending he is in order to numb the gut-wrenching pain caused by the realization that the Democrats are the same pro-slavery, anti-Black party they’ve been since 1828. The best liberals can do at this point is a scramble to find any way to validate their support for Biden and Harris while, not least, having demanded absolutely nothing for their MAGA-like allegiance to them. Also, because of the likelihood that the next four years will be littered with endless examples that will prove how little the current administration — and Democratic Party as a whole — differs from Donal Trump and the Republican Party.

Citizens of all ages — Boomers, Gen-x’ers, millennials, and gen-z liberals — voted for Biden because of the ignorance and anti-Black complacency of their generations. It is also because of the bad education and propaganda that has empowered their lives, all being still very racist. They refuse to acknowledge the human atrocities committed by white people and our capitalist economy. They refuse to acknowledge the human atrocities committed by white people and our capitalist economy, avoid honest conversations, and prefer to think that the past happened but remain convinced that things have changed. Biden voters will say things like: “politicians can change” and that things will happen slowly by “baby steps.” However, this is just their last desperate attempt to deflect from the fact that they voted in a new anti-Black President and fucked over yet another younger generation with their stagnant politics.

Much of the Boomer generation, and the multi-generational liberals, political strategy was to oust Trump because “he is despicable,” he is “the devil in disguise,” “he is awful.” This type of myopic assessment is typical of the liberal racism that many have perpetuated their entire lives, and it was their political platform for 2020. If one looks and listens more closely, one will notice none of the reasons for voting to oust Trump had anything to do with African American lives. These liberal racists will list all the (incorrect) reasons why they think Biden is better than Trump. However, they will conveniently leave out the millions of lives and the generational terrorism that Biden committed against African Americans, not only because they are unaware of it, nor that they care, but because the lives of African Americans are the least of their concerns. We are conditioned, as Americans, to see African American lives as disposable.

Meanwhile, such voters continue to focus on Trump even though he’s out of office, and they are doing so while Biden sits in power and is actively moving chess pieces around the board, setting up white supremacy for the next four years. However, of course, this is the last desperate attempt of the “vote blue” crew to do whatever they can to avoid facing Biden and Harris and the horrible actions they are taking now. The new administration will ignore Black Americans, who are solely responsible for the Democratic Party’s win. Instead, it will make way for every other group in the country; the “vote blue” crew dodges every chance they get to admit their faulty and coerced support for the new Jim Crow administration.

The white “vote blue” crew doesn’t really hate Trump. Much of what he stands for and says is aligned with all of the politics and policies they have supported over the last fifty years. He is the white man that they all aspired to be through the ’80s. Trump is the epitome of white man- and womanhood. He is the product of everything that white America is. It is just that he reveals more of these truths, unlike his “opposition.” Biden voters don’t want to be exposed, they want to be able to do as little as possible for racial justice, and they want their government to reflect their stance. Americans who voted “blue no matter who” don’t have an issue with racist, narcissistic, or anti-Black Presidents, they only have a problem with the ones who expose the “progressive dystopia” (Shange, 2019).

In the end, even those whites — and Americans in general — who tend to side with Black political priories, can also fall short of making critical and informed future decisions by allowing themselves to be caught up in the “Trump is evil,” “fascist,” “[insert any other propagandized criticism of Trump that Biden and Harris display as well].” Such middle-ground voters will, like the hardcore Democrat voters do each election cycle, put first their own feelings — still so easily manipulated by media spectacle and their own incomplete understanding of politics and white culture — put aside the needs of Black American Freedmen/ADOS citizens and vote how they feel comfortable.

Far too many whites and other liberals are the same ones who believe that having Black friends and praising Obama makes them ‘not racist.’ Believing that having sex with Black men/women represents social progress. However, when you ask any of them to look at data, history, or any critical analysis of current politics — especially regarding freedom and reparations for those who are descended from chattel slavery — they will do everything they have been taught to do to avoid it, just like their MAGA sidekicks. Even the diverse friend groups they surround themself with are cherry-picked. Individuals who share the same harmless and non-confrontational mainstream politics digestible to the white cannibal nation.

This time should have been different. Unfortunately, it was not.



  • Danny Haiphong, “The U.S. is a Political Prison, Kamala Harris is a Prison Guard”, blackagendareport.com. 2019
  • Jonathan Easley, “Biden says he supports additional funding for the police”, thehill.com. 2020
  • “Reconstruction: America After the Civil War”, PBS. 2019. https://www.pbs.org/weta/reconstruction/
  • Savannah Shange, “Progressive Dystopia: Abolition, Antiblackness + Schooling in San Francisco”, 2019.
  • Wells, Jonathan Daniel. “The Kidnapping Club: Wall Street, Slavery, and Resistance on the Eve of the Civil War”, 2020.



Bejtash Samson
Bejtash Samson

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